What is Photovoltaics | Solar Module Mounting Supplier

 Solar mounting solutions is a kind of support for photovoltacs ,which we foucs on producing ,development and enginnering . but do you know what is photovoltaics?

Photovoltaic (abbreviated PV) is the most direct way to convert solar radiation into electricity and is based on the photovoltaic effect,which was first observed by Becquerel in 1839.it is quite generally defined as the emergency of an electric voltage between two electrodes attached to a solid or liquid system upon shining light onto this system.Practically all photovoltaic devices incorporate a PN junction is a semiconductor across which the photovoltaic is developed. These devices are also known as solar cell.light absorption occurs in a semiconductor material. The semiconductor material has to be able to absorb a large part the solar spectrum.

Depend on the absorption proper ties of the material,the light is absorbed in a region more or less close to the surface.When light quanta are absorbed,electron hole pairs are generated,and if their recombination is prevented they can reach in junction where they are separated by an electric field.Even for a weakly absorbing semiconductor like silicon,most carriers are generated near the surface.This leads to the typical solar cell structure of fig.1.1.

What is Photovoltaic

The pn junction that separates the emitter and base layer is very close to the surface in order to have a high collection probability for photogenerated charge carriers. The thin emitter layer above the junction has a relatively high resistance which requires a well designed contact grid,also shown in the figure.

For practical use solar cells are packaged into modules containing either a number of crystalline Si cells connected in series or a layer of thin-film material which is also internally series connected .The module serves to purposes:it protects the solar cells form the ambient and it delivers a higher voltage than a single cell,which develops only a voltage of less than 1 volt.The conversion efficiencies of today’s production cells are in the range of 16%-18%,but module efficiencies are somewhat lower. The best laboratory efficiency of crystalline silicon achieved do far is 24.7%,which approaches the theoretical limit of this type of solar cell.

Jesfer industry foucses on solar mounting solutions , if you have interest to use photovoltaic mounting system for you pitch tiles roof ,metal roof,flat or other ground solar projects,just feel free to contact us for more details.



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